Tuesday, June 29, 2021



                                                     PKGhatak, MD

Sternutation is an unusual way to say sneezing. The Latin root is a verb, Sternuere, meaning to sneeze.  The term, Sternutation, is hardly used in medicine.

Sneezing is a reflex involuntary action of forceful expulsion of a large volume of air through the nose and mouth containing the nasal discharge and mucus containing the nasal irritant.

The sensory pathway of this reflex is the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve.  The sensory nucleus is situated in the medulla, close to the lateral reticular formation, called the spinal trigeminal nucleus. The neurotransmitter is Histamine. The motor pathways are extensive because a large number of muscle groups are involved. Many of the muscles are also used in coughing. The muscles used in sneezing are the pharyngeal, tongue, laryngeal, diaphragm, bronchial, facial including eyelids, muscles of respiration, accessory muscles of respiration, and anterior abdominal muscles. The motor impulse is carried by the facial, glossopharyngeal, Vagus, phrenic, intercostal, and spinal motor nerves.

The act of sneezing.

Initially, the mouth and nasal passages are widely opened to draw in a large volume of air. Next, the base of the tongue is elevated and the epiglottis is depressed partially closing the oropharynx. Finally, a sudden volant contraction of all muscles forces out air through the nose and mouth containing nasal secretions and mucus. A sneeze generates aerosol particles of 0.5 to 5.0 micrometers in size of about 40,000 in one sneeze.

A person must be awake to sneeze but cannot voluntarily sneeze or sneeze on demand. 

Special categories of sneezing.


Snatiation is a combination of two words - sneeze and satiety. This is a hereditary condition, inherited by autosomal dominant mode. A full stomach brings uncontrollable sneezing.

Photic sneeze.

It is also inherited by an autosomal dominant mode, also known as ACOHOO (autosomal dominant compulsive helio ophthalmic outburst of sneezing). People carrying this gene sneeze as soon as they step out of dark places into a brightly lit place,

The usual cause of a sneeze.

Nasal irritants: foreign body, irritant gases, household cleaning agents, detergents, perfume, incense burning.

Allergic rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis, chronic sinusitis.

Nasal infection: viruses, bacteria, etc.

Nasal polyp.

Injury to nose, CSF leak, Nose bleeds.

Withdrawal of addictive drugs like opioids.

The history of sneezing is nothing to sneeze about. The subject is full of historical facts, religious beliefs and practices, tradition and lots of intrigues.


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