PKGhatak, MD
The dream the mother of Siddhartha Gautama, Queen Maya, had, is widely known worldwide. One night Queen Maya saw in her dream that a white elephant was entering her abdomen by the side. Later on, she found out she was pregnant. After giving birth to Buddha, she passed away.
The dreams of Gilgamesh are also known to history enthusiasts. He was the mighty king of Mesopotamia. In his first dream, Gilgamesh saw a meteor fall on a field; his mother, Ninsun, told him that meant he would have compassion for life. That meteor turned into a human, Enkidu, who was equally brave and protected him. In his second dream, he found an axe on the street. In that dream, his mother explained, that he would meet his challenger and soon a monster, Humbala appeared. Gilgamesh had many other dreams that foretold his fate. Enkidu told Gilgamesh those dreams meant their victory over Humbaba and finally they defeated Humbaba but they suffered a lot.
Every nation's religious texts record events foretold in dreams. Kings and emperors employed dream interpreters in their courts. The job was risky because many lost their heads when they misinterpreted their dreams.
In the nineteenth century, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung were the most widely known dream interpreters. Their theories are subjects of study in today's universities but are largely discredited by evidence based medicine.
These Dreams Ushered in the Modern Era.
Albert Einstein dreamed that he was skiing downhill, going faster and faster till he was approaching the speed of light. Later he worked on the speed he witnessed in the dream and found the equation of the speed of light.
Srinivas Ramanujan, a mathematical genius, gave many breakthrough formulae in math. One that is most talked about is the formula of infinite series for Pi. He said these formulae came to him in a series of dreams over a period of time and were gifts from God.
Otto Loewi dreamed of the same experiment for two consecutive nights. After the second dream woke him up, he immediately went to his laboratory and that work led to the discovery of a chemical, acetylcholine, the transmitter of nerve impulses.
Niels Bohr, the father of quantum mechanics, in his dream, saw the nucleus of an atom with spinning electrons going around it like planets go around the sun. He was quick to get up and write that down. Later that became the structure of the atom as we understand it today.
August Kekule saw in his dream that a snake was swallowing its own tail, soon the snake looked like a ring. That gave him the clue that organic chemicals also exist in ring forms. That led to his discovery of the benzene ring, the fundamental structural formula of most biochemicals.
Frederick Banting got instructions for an experiment on the pancreas in a dream. He experimented on laboratory dogs based on the instructions and subsequently discovered Insulin that saved numerous lives of diabetics, type I.
Finally, if you feel like dreaming, then sing along - I am dreaming of a white Christmas.
স্বপ্ন দেখে এত কিছু আবিষ্কারের পরও আজ পর্যন্ত গ্রহণ যোগ্য প্রমাণ না পাওয়াটা আশ্চর্য্য ! তবে অদূর বা সুদূর ভবিষ্যতে নিশ্চয়ই প্রমাণ করা যাবে। ঘুমোতে যাবার আগে যে অঙ্কটা মিলছিলনা সেটা ঘুম থেকে উঠে মিলে যাবার ঘটনা বিরল নয়।
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