Ophthalmic Migraine.
P.K.Ghatak, MD.
People, in general, understand Migraine, however, Ophthalmic Migraine may not be that familiar to the public. The medical term of this entity is Retinal Migraine. Retinal migraine points to an abnormal condition of the retina producing migraine, whereas a migraine with Ophthalmic aura consists of eye symptoms that are due to abnormal blood flow in one or other areas of the brain.
What are the symptoms of Retinal Migraine / Ophthalmic migraine:
Patients experience a sudden onset of blurred central vision of one eye, as if some smudge is on their eyeglasses or a film of mucus in one eye. As he/ she tries to get rid of it, the blurred area enlarges and lines appear with zigzag shapes. A bright cured line or comma shaped figure appears, which simmers and the line has sharp edges like shattered glass.
The shimmering light does not disappear after closing eyes. These symptoms last a few minutes to 15 minutes, and then the normal vision slowly reappears and the shimmering line disappears. Some patients also experience dull pain behind the affected eye.
Symptoms are recurrent and limited to one particular eye. Rarely, some patients have both eyes affected but always one eye at a time.
The gray area is the bind spot and the wavy zigzag line is shimmering light.
Are there other causes of blurred vision and shimmering of bright light.
The following conditions also produce some of these symptoms and generally last longer or permanently. The onset and progression of symptoms vary from one condition to the other.
Retinal tear
Central retinal artery insufficiency or blockage.
Central retinal vein thrombosis.
Stroke and transient ischemic attacks.
Migraine with visual aura, read a previous blog: Migraine - A Miserable Human Malady. date-May27,2019
Macular degeneration
Giant cell arteritis.
What causes Ophthalmic Migraine:
No identifiable cause is known. Various health conditions and several personal habits are linked to Ophthalmic migraine. Only genetic predisposition is perhaps acceptable.
It is also possible that irritation of some fibers of the Ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve triggers spasms of retinal arteries and initiates an attack of migraine.
Ophthalmic migraine is self limited and usually benign. It is very important, however, to see an eye specialist to confirm that the visual symptoms are due to Ophthalmic migraine and not due to the more serious conditions listed above.
General advice for prevention or shortening the duration of Ophthalmic migraine.
Limit time spent looking at the computer/ cellphone light. Limit exposure to cigarette smoke and any irritant spray or perfume. Control Blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. Check vision and use eyeglasses if required.
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